Caysi Luster

Home for me is…

Tampa, Florida! I was born and raised here, but I did live in Savannah, GA for 3 years in college. 

This is the perfect job for me because…

While studying for my BFA in Fashion Marketing and Management at Savannah College of Art and Design I was able to grow as a designer and it really forced me to become more organized than I had ever been before. That experience paired with my time working in retail solidified my love for helping people and being creative at the same time. I am able to do both of those things and more with this job (in my pjs if I want to!) and I am forever grateful for that.

My favorite part of my job has to be…

The flexibility it gives me. I can work and easily schedule appointments and trips around that without having to worry about working a set schedule! It’s allowed me to become so much more productive in my personal life as well as professionally.

When I’m not working you can find me…

Hanging out with friends, trying out new restaurants or stepping away from screens and reading a book!

The 3 emojis that best describe my personality are…


The FETCH Agency